“Being cut off from other humans changes your brain. Here’s the science on how.”
Scientific American, September 2020
“Inside Neuroscience: How the Brain Makes Social Decisions”
Society for Neuroscience Quarterly, Winter 2023
Recent Press
Moriel wins a 2023 McKnight Scholar Award, June 2023
Moriel interviewed by KPCC’s Airtalk, “How To Deal With Difficult Customers,” June 2022.
Moriel’s work highlighted in David Anderson’s book “The Nature of the Beast,” March 2022.
Moriel Zelikowsky and Jay Love featured in the book, “Heartbreak: A personal and scientific journey” by Florence Williams, February 2022.
Moriel interviewed by Stories of WiN, a podcast showcasing women in neuroscience, November 2020.
Moriel featured in Think Global Health, “The Psychological Toll of the Pandemic: What Isolation Does to the Brain,” November 2020.
Moriel interviewed on Impact Theory with Tom Bilyeu, “Neuroscientist Explains How Your Brain Is Affected by Fear, Isolation and Anxiety,” August 2020.
Moriel interviewed by The Scientist, “How Social Isolation Affects the Brain,” July/August 2020.
Moriel interviewed about social isolation by USA Today, “Cancel-culture is hitting us hard as coronavirus spreads through the US. Can America handle all this social distancing?,” March 2020.
Moriel’s Cell paper gets coverage in ScienceNews, “Loneliness is bad for brains,” November 2018.
Moriel's Cell paper featured in Nature’s News and Views, “A molecular signature for social isolation identified in the brain, June 2018.
Moriel's Cell paper gets press in Science Daily, “How social isolation transforms the brain,” May 2018.
Moriel's Cell paper gets press in The Daily Mail, “Loneliness changes the brain: It boosts a chemical that makes you feel fearful and aggressive, study finds,” May 2018.
Moriel interviewed by Cup of Jo, “My Beauty Uniform: Moriel Zelikowsky,” December 2016.
Moriel featured in L'Oréal USA For Women In Science video series, “Inspiring Female Scientist: Neuroscientist Moriel Zelikowsky," October 2016.