Moriel presenting at the 2023 Klingenstein-Simons meeting.
Lab News
Congratulations to undergraduate students Lorrin, Tina, Caitlin, and Amanda as recent recipients of University of Utah Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program (UROP) awards.
Congratulations to Donzelle Taylor who was awarded the prestigious HHMI Gilliam Graduate Fellowship.
Congrats to DOCTOR Kevin Sattler for successfully defending his thesis.
Kevin is accepted to the DASL TEDx-Style workshop.
Jordan helps lead interactive events for Brain Awareness Week engaging hundreds of students in the area.
Jordan is selected as an SfN Neuroscience Scholars Program (NSP) Fellow.
Moriel is invited to give talks at Vanderbilt and Johns Hopkins.
Moriel is awarded an intramural seed grant to support the lab’s research.
Michael becomes a U-HELM fellow at the University of Utah.
Rachel attends the Cajal course on optogenetics, chemogenetics, and biosensors for neural circuit research in Bordeaux, France.
Jason presents a talk and poster at the IDEAS Post-baccalaureate trainee retreat symposium at the University of Utah.
Veronic, Alan, Rene, and Addison present posters at the undergraduate research symposium at the University of Utah.
Congratulations to Rusul, Michaela, Rene, and Nic as they complete their bachelor’s degrees.
Lo Kronheim Joins the lab as a graduate student.
Addison has been selected to present his work at the Research On Capitol Hill event, showcasing outstanding research from Utah’s top universities.
Kevin has been selected to chair a panel on the neurobiology of trauma at the Park City Winter Conference.
Moriel gives a talk at MIT.
Moriel gives a talk at ACNP 2023.
Undergraduate students Eva, Veronic, Alan and Rene are awarded UROP funding for their research in the upcoming year. Addison’s UROP funding is renewed.
The Zelikowsky Lab attends SfN: Rachel, Kevin, Jordan, Donzelle, Michael, and Erin all present posters.
Michael receives a travel award to attend SfN.
Jordan Grammer receives a scholarship to attend The Short Course on the Application of Machine Learning for Automated Quantification of Behavior at The Jackson Laboratory in Bar Harbor Maine.
Kevin Sattler receives a Trainee Professional Development Award to attend the Society for Neuroscience Conference 2023.
Moriel gives a talk at the Forum for the Future of Neuroscience at the Nobel Forum at the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, Sweden.
Addison Hedges and Nicholas Poll are awarded UROP funding for their research in the upcoming year.
Moriel wins a 2023 McKnight Scholar Award.
Moriel gave a talk at the NIH/NIEHS.
Moriel gave a talk at the Klingenstein-Simons annual meeting.
Welcome Jordyn Gagon, our undergraduate turned postbac for the upcoming year.
Welcome Alexis Bowles, the first undergraduate to be awarded a ZSTaR (Zelikowsky Lab Summer Training in Research) Fellowship, which provides 12 weeks of paid summer research funding to an undergraduate student that identifies as underrepresented or non-traditional in STEM.
Welcome to our newest graduate student Becca Schnabel, and congrats on winning a Curci Fellowship.
Congrats to Erin Carroll for her acceptance into the prestigious MD-PhD program at the University of Utah.
The lab was awarded its first R01 from the NIMH to work on top-down control of aggression.
Congrats to undergraduate Lorrin Malady for winning a UROP award to participate in summer research in the lab.
Congrats to graduate student Donzelle Taylor for her honorable mention for the Ford Foundation Predoctoral Fellowship.
Moriel spoke on Neurowire.
Moriel gave a talk at the Winter Conference on Neural Plasticity in Mexico.
Moriel and Graduate Student Kevin Sattler gave talks at the Winter Conference on Brain Research at Snowbird.
Congrats to undergraduate students Raina Miller and Jordyn Gagon on receiving $500 OUR (Office of Undergraduate Research) travel awards to attend the Pavlovian Society Annual Meeting.
Congrats to Jordyn Gagon, Rene Valles, and Nicholas Poll on each winning $1,200 research grants from the Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program (UROP) to help fund their research opportunities for Fall 2022.
Rachel Gatlin was awarded an F31 NRSA Graduate Fellowship from the NIH.
Aasutosh Acharya gets accepted to the University of Michigan summer Neuroscience Research Program. Congrats Aasutosh!
Warm welcome to our two new graduate students: Donzelle and Michelle.
Moriel attends ACNP in Puerto Rico and gives her first in-person talk since 2019.
Welcome Nic and Alexis to our ever-growing body of Undergraduate Assistant’s in the lab!
Huge Congrats to Raina, Ashley and Jordyn for receiving the Spring 2022 UROP award! We’re so proud of the Undergraduate Researchers we have here in the lab.
Moriel gave a talk at the Society for Neuroscience 2021 Conference.
Warm welcome to our two newest rotation students, Nathan and Sophie!
Congrats to Erin for joining as a Lab Tech! We’re lucky to have her around for another year while she awaits Med School!
Welcome Rene and Aasutosh! Excited to have you on the team of undergraduate research assistants!
Big congrats to Jordyn for completing her Summer RUUTE Internship project and presenting her data at lab meeting! You rock Jordyn!
Welcome Michelle, our newest rotation student and fellow UC Davis grad! Excited to have you!
Big congrats to Ashley and to Stella (again) for receiving the Fall 2021 UROP scholarship! This award is very competitive so we’re proud of them both.
Moriel gives a talk at the International Behavioral Neuroscience Society (IBNS) conference!
Warm welcome to Song, Jordyn, and Ashley for joining the lab as undergraduate research assistants!
Big congratulations to Rachel for receiving an honorable mention on her NSF graduate research fellowship.
We welcome Matisse to the lab as an undergraduate research assistant!
Welcome Michael Conoscenti, our new Postdoc. Happy to have you on the team Michael!
Warm welcome to rotating graduate students, Kaelan and Jackie!
Moriel presents at the 2021 Society for Neuroscience Global Connectome conference! Congrats Moriel for being on the Scientific Panel at this incredible event, we’re so proud!
Welcome Su to our growing list of wonderful undergraduate researchers!
Big congratulations to both Stella and Erin for being selected for the Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program (UROP) for the Spring 2021 semester.
Moriel gives a talk at the University of Utah Health Vitae 2020, an annual symposium featuring six rising-star faculty.
New review paper out from the lab examining the effects of social isolation and crowding stress on the brain and behavior.
Moriel gives a talk at the annual Bioscience Symposium.
Moriel received the Whitehall Foundation Research Award for her project entitled: “Cortex-Specific Role for the Neuropeptide Tac2 in Social Isolation”. Congrats to our favorite PI!
Congratulations to Erin for being selected in the Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program (UROP)! This selection is highly competitive and we are very proud to have her as part of the lab :)
Warm welcome to Caleb and Jacob who joined the lab as undergraduate research assistants!!
Congratulations to Moriel for receiving the Klingenstein-Simons Neuroscience award!
Megan and Stella join the lab as undergraduate research assistants, welcome!
Rachel and Kevin officially join the lab as the first graduate students. Welcome!
Congratulations to Moriel for receiving the Sloan 2020 Award in Neuroscience and becoming a #sloanfellow!
Moriel gives a talk at the Winter Conference on Learning and Memory in Park City, UT.
The lab welcomes rotation graduate students Kevin Sattler (neuroscience) and Nathan Burns (molecular biology).
The lab welcomes undergraduate research assistant Erin Carroll (Biology)!
Moriel gives a talk at the 2020 Winter Conference on Brain Research in Big Sky, Montana.
Preston Hadley joins the lab as an undergraduate research assistant. Welcome Preston!
Dr. Jay Love from University of Utah joins the lab as a postdoctoral fellow. Welcome Jay!
Ryan Hanson from UC Davis joins the lab as a lab technician. Welcome Ryan!
Moriel gives a talk at the Pavlovian Society Meeting in Vancouver, BC
Rachel Gatlin (graduate student in Neuroscience) starts her rotation in the lab. Welcome Rachel!
Moriel receives the Ann Kelley Memorial Travel Fellow Award to present at the upcoming Winter Conference on Brain Research
Moriel gives a talk at the Department of Neurobiology's annual retreat.
Moriel Zelikowsky joins the University of Utah School of Medicine. Official start for the Zelikowsky Lab.
Addison has been selected to present his work at the Research on Captial Hill event, showcasing outstanding research from Utah’s top universities. (Link) (January, 2024)
Kevin has been selected to chair a panel on the neurobiology of trauma at the Park City Winter Conference (January, 2024)